Hy guys, how are you doing? Almost always someone sends me questions about the right height to hang frames, how to create harmony among several pieces and many other questions relate to this theme. Truly, there are some basic rules, nevertheless, many of them can be broken to make your decoration in your personal style, the most important is to keep the balance at the composition.
Furthermore, on the wall, you can hang pictures, artworks, mirrors, engravings, and even an embroidered made by your dear aunt, or objects which have affective value for you.
The right height
The ideal is that the pictures stay at the eye line. For this, consider that the center of the frame is 170 cm from the ground, this measure is also used by the museums and art galleries. This height is applied to any height of the wall, regardless of the room’s height.
Pictures above furniture
If you will hang a picture above a sideboard, for example, leave from 13 to 23 cm above the piece. But, if the idea is to put the frame above a sofa, consider the height of a person with approximately 1,80m sited, and leave a space about 20 cm between this person’s head and the frame. In this way, you guarantee that nobody is going to hit the head at the picture.
Ah, prefer centralizing the frame toward the sofa.
Composition of many pictures
If you want to create a gallery with many pictures, I have two golden tips for you to get right at the composition:
1 - Simulate the frame’s disposition on the ground
Consider that this set is a big picture. Before getting holes at the wall, simulate their positions on the ground. For not making mistakes, reproduce the measures that you intend to use, by delimitating the space with masking tape. After that, set the pictures in the way that you think it gets more beautiful. Play with the sizes, use your imagination. When to get to a result that you like, so, it is time to hang them.
2 – Create harmony among them
You can use pictures in different sizes and formats, the important is that exists harmony, and for that is needed that all they have something in common, it can be the theme, the frame, color of the images. The important is that they combine among them.
I have a great video with excellent tips on how to use color in the pictures. Take a look. I think you will like it.
Guys, these are key rules, but as I said in the beginning, you can break all of them if the result gets beautiful, functional, and, mainly, with your style. After all, the home is yours, therefore you and your family need to make yourselves comfortable. See, for example, this living room’s photo, there is a picture supported on the floor, which is in perfect harmony with the furniture, the light, and the other frame. A stylish way to break standards, do not you think?
But tell me, have you already broken some of these rules?