Sustainable and very cozy décor

Hi guys, hope you all are doing well! Sustainability is a term many often used currently, and it makes all sense, after all, we need to think about the future of our planet and the next generations. Adopt a more conscious lifestyle is a survival matter. It is about a global concerning that involves the whole society. Do you know what is cool? Throw research and technology, we get solutions for many worries environmental issues. Today, I am coin to show you some manner to create a sustainable décor and very cozy, thereby you can live in peace and harmony with the environment.


What is sustainability?

Sustainability is linked to adopting a lifestyle that is good for everyone, including the environment, and viable in the long run. It is to think about the impact of our actions in the present, but, mainly, in the future.

Each choice that we do at our day-long has an impact. When we buy orange juice in a plastic package it means that many natural resources have been utilized in its production. After consuming it, its package will take between 450 and 500 years to decompose, so the importance of the recycle, but for that, it is necessary to dispose of it correctly. Can you realize the size of impact from our decisions?

10 ways of decorating with sustainability

It is important to take the worry about the environment to the décor of our homes, after all, it influences the behavior of our family and friends, contributing to the formation of a more ecologically conscious. Do you know what is interesting? A sustainable décor is cozy and full of affection.

One of the tendencies of Casa Cor São Paulo 2021, which happens until November 15th, is just sustainability. In order to create a greener décor, we need to consider the 3 Rs of conscious consumption: reduce, reuse and recycle. Thinking about how to give you a little help in the implementation of these ideas that I have prepared a list of the 10 ways of decorating with sustainability.


1 – Give new functions to the furniture and objects

I always talk about this! People, there is no sense to throw away furniture or an object that is in a good condition! Even because “outside” does not exist. All the disposals we do stay here on our planet, polluting the oceans and the air we breathe. Rethink new functions for objects, paint, adhesive, use your creativity. Get inspired by the post “Do it yourself”.


2 – Choose durable pieces

Rather than buy cheap and disposable furniture and pieces, invest in good quality alternatives. What is the advantage of buying a beautiful closet that will be inutile after 2 years of usage? You will have to expend more money and it will be another item to throw away.


3 – Certified wood

Be aware of the origin of the wood, it must be certified! This means that it is a product of reforestation, the trees were planted to this finality and did not come from illegal extraction.

Furniture made by pallets and with demolition wood are also beautiful and eco-friendly alternatives.


4 – Facilitate to local communities

Purchase pieces that favor the local communities, handcrafters, and small producers. Besides help the region's economy, it avoids the emission of polluter transport gases.

See Seringo’s case! Among many things, they produce clothe table sets in leaves formats, by using rubber from native rubber plants of the Amazon, generate income to 75 indigenous communities, riverside residents, quilombolas (slave descendants’ communities), and agrarian reform settlers. They are pieces full of personality and proposal.


5 – Ecologic paints

Already exist paint based on the water without any petroleum derivative. For pigmentation, they use earth and the raw material extracted from legalized extraction.


6 – Explore natural light

Permit the light in, my people! Use ample windows with curtains that allow the light in. Besides that, replace the normal lamps by led options, more durable and economical. It will decrease energy consumption and the planet appreciates that.


7 – Residential automation

Use the technology in your favor, the residential automation allows more efficiency and control of light and water consumption. When you go to buy a new appliance, prefer those which get the Procel stamp that indicates better energy efficiency.


8 - Ecological coatings

Did you know that exist tiles inserts of shell coconut? They can be utilized in wet areas, furniture, floor, and walls. They are beautiful and very sustainable.


9 – Use natural fibers

Fabrics, like cotton and linen, are cozy and beautiful, result in nice curtains, bedspreads, and cushions. Also take advantage of the welcoming of natural fibers such as straw, wicker, cattail, perfect for decorative pieces and rugs.


10 – If you will build up, choose the green options

The market is plenty of innovations that allow construction with less environmental impact. The use of solar energy and cisterna to store water from rain are feasible alternatives currently. It is possible to choose a more economical toilet flush, tap with aerators, besides ceramic coating applied upon the old’s, eliminating construction waste.

There is no lack of more sustainable solutions, everything is a choice matter. We need to stop to think about the world that we want to leave for our kids, grandchildren, and society as whole. This thinking will direct our choices and will help us to cultivate more consistent shopping habits.

Tell me, what have you been doing in terms of sustainability?



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Lu Marinho has no fear of changes – neither of her nor of yours!
With a consistent and stable career, on a beautiful day has resolved to change everything, and nowadays works with her passion, interior design!

She makes this to both clients in the USA and Brazil, in residential environments, commercial and corporate events. Besides that, her YouTube channel provides tips about decoration, DIY, good shopping, travel, tours, food, and much more!

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