Hi guys, hope you are doing well! If you like to read, you should have a good collection at home, probably you have already asked yourself which is the best way to organize and keep the books in a practical manner and, at the same time, in harmony with the decoration and ambient. Here in this post , I am going to present you with some ways to arrange your private library and teach you manners to preserve the works.
I love reading, to feel that smell of a new book in the hands, the expectation of a new history in the air…It is so good! I think that it transports us to other worlds, expands our horizons, besides being great leisure. This habit also makes us accumulate many books, some, we do not open never more, for this reason, firstly, I recommend that you make a screening to see if it is not possible to donate some of them.
I know that there are books that we do not want to dispose of, or that are references of consult, but if you search well, it is possible to let some goes, making the knowledge gets circulate and comes to other people's hands.
3 ways of organizing the books
There are many ways to organize books, the most indicated depend on the lifestyle of each one and the collection’s size, some alternatives serve better than others, according to each situation. Here I am going to talk about three of them, thereby you can decide which is the best for you own case.
1 – Organizing by issue
Separating the books by issue or by theme helps us to find out what we look for, more quickly. After gathering them by type, you can organize them in alphabet order from the book’s title or by author’s name, which makes more sense for you. This manner is more functional, it is not by chance that it is used by bookstores and libraries in all the world.
2 – Organizing conform to the utilization

In this case, the idea is to place at eyes’ height the books which we handle more frequently and those which we are reading. Nevertheless, even in this case, it is recommendable to set them in alphabetic order to facilitate the day-by-day.
3 – Organizing by color
This is a model that comes conquering hearts, after all the effect is marvelous, and the bookshelf gets looking like a rainbow. The problem is for those who have a lot of books, it is not so practical, after all, for locating a determined exemplary we have to remember what the cover color is.
My recommendation for those who want to organize by color is to enumerate the covers with a small tag on the book’s spine, after that, you make a list with the number and respective names, so, when you need a special title, it is enough to look for by number. It gets a little work, but you will do that just once.
4 – Extra tip
When organizing the books, let all titles turned to the same side, esthetically it gets more beautiful, besides being more practical.
How to preserve the books
To preserve the books is important to have some care, as in the form we store them, as of cleaning. I have separated 5 tips that will help you to preserve them.
5 tips to preserve the books
- At least once a semester, do clean with a smooth and dry cloth. You can use a brush to clean up the superior part, where, generally, accumulate dust;
- Take to handle the book, allowing the paper “breaths” a little;
- Clean up the bookshelf with a slightly humid cloth and wait to dry before placing the book again;
- Do not let the books completely leaned against the bookshelf or at the wall, to protect them from damp let a space about 3 fingers so that the air gets circulate there. It is also important that the place is well airy;
- To avoid fading, do not let the book gets exposure to the sun.
Book at decór
I like very much of using the book as decorative elements, letting some books on the living room table or on top of the sideboard. Whenever I want to make any object seem higher, I put it on the top of a book pile. It gets cool.
In case you have many books and short space, you can use the corridor to put shelves, or even that space above the door. It is interesting because we do not need much depth to store them and it gives us much versatility, we can take any little corner and install a shelf or niche.
In reality, we do not need a bookshelf, look at the niches of the packing case that I have made in the video below. It is a beautiful, cheap, and useful idea.
It is cool to intercalate books with décor objects, this will help to break the monotony of the bookshelf. To let some books with the cover turned to front gets very beautiful, a less obvious display, do not you think so?
In my opinion, it is very important to keep our home organized, in this manner the life gets more practical, for this reason, this is a theme that always appears here. If you belong to my team, I recommend a reading of a post that I have written with tips to organize the entire home in a simple way.It is worth a lot.
By the end, I wish to say that I love to read your comments, for this reason, tell me, how about the organization of the books there at your home?
Do not forget of sharing this post, thereby you also help me out.